Occasionally a tabletop, dresser, or nightstand might get a blemish such as a burn or watermark. New
Life Furniture can expertly repair and refinish the area and save the piece of furniture.

Poorly working and binding drawers only get worse and should be corrected to keep the furniture piece
working properly. There are many, many different drawer track styles and New Life Furniture can
correctly repair worn drawer tracks, guides, and drawer bottoms.

Some dressers and cabinets become loose and have movement between their joints. Looseness leads to
bad drawer alignment or bad door alignment which will prematurely wear moving parts. A rigid square
case will make a noticeable difference in the functionality of the furniture and add years to its life span.

Chairs with broken arms or legs can be repaired. Broken drawers are not a problem.

A fatigued or broken spring can be repaired to return the chair or sofa back to the comfort level it once
held. Sagging or broken springs put undue stress on the upholstery and will eventually damage the piece
to the point of needing a complete reupholstery job.

New Life Furniture can replace a worn or damaged zipper, open seam on a cushion, or button that has
come off. We can correct many upholstery issues that have been bothering you.

Arms becoming loose is a very common problem with furniture. New Life Furniture has 20 years of
experience and has made thousands of repairs.

Everyday household furniture pieces get a lot more use than one can imagine. Loose hinges, stripped
screws, bad door alignment, and faulty latches can escalate into more major problems if left unrepaired.
Our advice is to tend to small problems before they become bigger ones.

The hardware on a piece of furniture can be very unique and really make the piece. Dark and tarnished
hardware tends to just blend in and doesn’t give the furniture any “pop” or “personality.” New Life
Furniture offers hardware polishing and lacquering services.